Professional Claims Intervention Services (formerly known as Sussman Consulting) was founded in the year 2000 by president & CEO Steve Sussman who innovated the Claims Intervention model for the Third Party Claims Administration Industry. PCI is now responsible for providing services that cover more than 20 million employee hours per year.
We serve as an employer advocate that provides third party workers’ compensation claims management and claims intervention services. Our specialty is to reduce the cost of workers’ compensation benefits by overturning unfair, abusive and costly claim benefit decisions. We take the unfair benefit decisions out of the authorities' hands and into the courts. PCI is unique in the industry because we appeal all controversial benefit decisions to the administrative law courts on behalf of the employer.
PCI sets itself apart by bundling all the professional fields needed into one affordable cost. PCI has many members on its team to make all of this possible.
Our staff and contractors work together to advocate on the employer's behalf. We bundle together all the legal, vocational, and medical services needed to represent the employer's best interest on Labor and Industries Workers' Compensation benefit decisions. Our model bundles everything together under an affordable, flat monthly fee.
Regardless if your company is self insured, state funded or privately insured, we can help you across the United States and Canada.
See what our services can do for you with our free claims review. We will create a plan of action, determine rate reductions and identify any additional refund opportunities. Fill out the form below to receive your free claims review or for more information. We will get back to you promptly.
Pres. Steve Sussman
PCI President & CEO Steve Sussman is a leading expert in reducing the cost of Workers’ Compensation benefits paid by employers and has been working in the risk management industry for more than twenty-four years. Steve Sussman founded PCI (formerly known as Sussman Consulting) in the year 2000, and innovated the Claims Intervention model for the Third Party Claims Administrator industry. Steve has spoken at several universities throughout the United States and Mexico, including locally at the University of Washington.